Há algum tempo - nem sei quando porque a revista também não o revela - a Mojo elegeu o que considera ser as melhores canções psicadélicas britânicas.
Como de costume, só indico as 20 primeiras:
01 - Tomorrow Never Knows - Beatles
02 - Paint It Black - Rolling Stones
03 - Season Of The Witch - Donovan
04 - Making Time - Creation
05 - Happenings Ten Years Time Ago - Yardbirds
06 - I Feel Free - Cream
07 - Strawberry Fields Forever - Beatles
08 - Interstellar Overdrive - Pink Floyd
09 - My Friend Jack - Smoke
10 - Green Circles - Small Faces
11 - Days Of Pearly Spencer - David McWilliams
12 - In Your Tower - Poets
13 - I Can Hear The Grass Grow - Move
14 - Are You Experienced - Jimi Hendrix
15 - Night Of The Long Grass - Troggs
16 - Paper Sun - Traffic
17 - Midsummer Night's Scene - John's Children
18 - Colours Of My Mind - Attack
19 - It's All Too Much - Beatles
20 - Itchycoo Park - Small Faces