sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013


CAPITOL - 11C 078-78030 - edição portuguesa (1981)

Side One

Let The Good Times Roll (Shirley and Lee) - Ain't It A Shame (Fats Domino) - Great Balls Of Fire (Jerry Lee Lewis) - Sittin' In The Balcony (Eddie Cochran) - The House Of Blue Lights (Merrill Moore) - I Hear You Knocking (Smiley Lewis) - Rockin' The Joint (Esquerita) - Short Fat Fannie (Larry Williams)

Side Two

Blueberry Hill (Fats Domino) - Willie And The Hand Jive (Johnny Otis Show) - Bony Maronie (Larry Williams) - I'm Gone (Shirlie and Lee) - Blue Monday (Fats Domino) - Little Bitty Pretty One (Thurston Harris and the Sharps) - One Night (Smiley Lewis) - Over And Over (Thruston Harris and the Sharps)

Colaboração de João Pinheiro de Almeida

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