Fairyland (Pop Workshop) - As For Marionettes (Marianne) - Punch And Judy Girl (Susie Klee) - Is It Worth A Try? (Brendan Phillips) - Hasty Words (Pussyfoot) - Suzie's Getting Married (Hogarth) - Rain On My Window (Tony Ritchie) - Promises (Jumbo) - Wash Myself Away (John Pantry) - Stop! (Paul Vigrass) - Penelope Breedlove (Dave Christie) - Other Side Of Life (Christian) - She (Christian) - Like The Sun (Tapestry) - Sarah Jane (Andy Forray) - Dear Mother Love Albert (Rodney Bewes) - Let The Music Play (Gary Hamilton) - Office Girl (Mike Leslie) - If I Could Be Shure (Micky Jones & Tommy Brown) - Polly Sunday (Jon) - And Now She Says She Is Young (Timon) - Clear White Light (Wishful Thinking) - When She's Kissing Me (Brendan Phillips) - Unreleased Acetate (Billy Fay) - Sing Sadman Sing (Paul Layton)
Fairyland (Pop Workshop) - As For Marionettes (Marianne) - Punch And Judy Girl (Susie Klee) - Is It Worth A Try? (Brendan Phillips) - Hasty Words (Pussyfoot) - Suzie's Getting Married (Hogarth) - Rain On My Window (Tony Ritchie) - Promises (Jumbo) - Wash Myself Away (John Pantry) - Stop! (Paul Vigrass) - Penelope Breedlove (Dave Christie) - Other Side Of Life (Christian) - She (Christian) - Like The Sun (Tapestry) - Sarah Jane (Andy Forray) - Dear Mother Love Albert (Rodney Bewes) - Let The Music Play (Gary Hamilton) - Office Girl (Mike Leslie) - If I Could Be Shure (Micky Jones & Tommy Brown) - Polly Sunday (Jon) - And Now She Says She Is Young (Timon) - Clear White Light (Wishful Thinking) - When She's Kissing Me (Brendan Phillips) - Unreleased Acetate (Billy Fay) - Sing Sadman Sing (Paul Layton)
Ainda mal refeitos da superveniente revelação do "Fado Roque", eis-nos agora confrontados com o "FADING yellow".
ResponderEliminar"Fading = Fado singing performance"
(in Encyclopedia Brutannica)
Se dúvidas houvessem, o Fado está em todo o lado, ainda que camuflado por tons amarelados do UK.
Se os Beatles têm o seu Yellow Submarine, o Fado conta com este "Fading Yellow", colectânea a que só peca pela falta de "O amarelo da Carris" de Carlos do Carmo.
Até Timon aparece aqui ao leme com uma "cover" do clássico fado de António Mourão "Ó Tempo Volta Para Trás", agora convertido ao título de "And Now She Says She Is Young"
O FADO a património cultural da humanidade, JÁ !!
Ah! Ah! Inspirado!