quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010


UNCUT 2010 04

Pollyanna (Patterson Hood) - Houston (Deadstring Brothers) - Straight Into A Storm (Deer Tick) - Shame On Me (Bottle Rockets) - Shreveport (Gourds) - Seven-Mile Island (Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit) - Let It Die (Shaky Hands) - Hot Talk (Chuck Prophet) - Keep Comin' Back (Taylor Hollingsworth) - The Water's All Run Dry (Wrinkle Neck Mules) - Up And Running (Ian Hunter) - Pray For Rain (Israel Nash Gripka) - Da Da (Strange Boys) - Little Margarita (Bloodkin) - God's Gonna Give You What You Want (Jon Dee Graham and the Fighting Cocks) - Damn Thing To Be Done (Dan Baird and Homemade Sin)

2 comentários:

Lamento, mas tenho de introduzir esta chatice dos caracteres. É que estou a ser permanentemente invadido por spam. Peço paciência. Obrigado!