segunda-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2010


AMC - CACD0801 - 2007

CD One

Brennan On The Moor - The Barnyards Of Delgaty - Kitty McGee - The Bold Tenant Farmer - The Croppy Boy - The Lowlands Of Holland - The Men Of The West - The Maid Of The Sweet Brown Knowe - The Work Of The Weavers - The Boul' O'Donoghue - Quare Bungle Rye - Nell Flaherty's Drake - The Stuttering Lovers - Boulavogue - Vourtin' In The Kitchen - The Little Beggarman - The Jug Of Punch

CD Two

Bold Thady Quill - Kelly The Boy From Killane - The Maid Of Fife-E-O - Mrs McGrath - The Mountain Dew - Mick Maguire - Finnegan's Wake - Johnny I Hardly Knew You - As I Roved Out - Roddy McCorley - The Irish Rover - Johnny McEldoo - Whack Fol The Diddle - The Rising Of The Moon - Rosin The Bow - Paddy Doyle's Boots - The Parting Glass

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